500 years of Western Imperialist global domination is now coming to a final close. Goodbye American Empire. Goodbye and good riddance!!! But this will not happen overnight — — it will be a slow, steady decline in different intervals sometimes slow, sometimes more rapid but decline our Empire will. In the end, we will be an equal among nations in the and world not a bullying force for global domination and international instability. That will be a good thing, ultimately. We are not a global force for good. Other nations would be wise to chart their own independent course and not follow the terrible example of American global leadership which has become a pathetic joke wrapped in ludicrous propaganda and steeped in an array of double standards. This kind of American global leadership makes me want to vomit.

“Just as in Ukraine, decades of diffident American leadership, compounded by increasingly chaotic domestic politics, let the Gaza crisis spin out of control. How much longer can the U.S. hold on?”

“Empires don’t just fall like toppled trees. Instead, they weaken slowly as a succession of crises drain their strength and confidence until they suddenly begin to disintegrate. So it was with the British, French, and Soviet empires; so it now is with imperial America.”

It’s come to light that according to sources from the French Marianne paper, Macron’s entire recent mental manqué resulted from a secret series of ‘assessments’ by the French military that not only provided an absolutely disastrous picture of the actual realities on the ground in Ukraine, but in no uncertain terms even concluded quite frankly that: “Ukraine cannot win this war militarily.”

“The assumption of the U.S. political elite that Biden had a viable plan to defeat Russia and restore Ukraine’s pre-2014 borders has proven to be one more triumphalist American dream that has turned into a nightmare. Ukraine has joined North Korea, Vietnam, Somalia, Kosovo, Afghanistan, Iraq, Haiti, Libya, Syria, Yemen, and now Gaza, as another shattered monument to America’s military madness.”

“The cast may change, but the play is the same.”

“Nuland deservedly got a lot of criticism (not least from this writer) for inserting the U.S. front and center into the geopolitical squabbles afflicting Ukraine. It is widely believed that before, during, and after the Maidan Revolution, she steered both the Obama and Biden administrations toward a more hawkish course than was advisable. But this perhaps inflates her influence; after all, both Obama and Biden have been plenty hawkish on their own on issues outside of Russia–Ukraine; just consider their actions in Libya, Syria, Yemen, and Palestine.”

“Russia’s attempt to broker a ceasefire in Ukraine, along the current lines of control, was met with a firm rejection in Washington. US officials reiterated their stance, stating that they would only engage in talks with Moscow with Kiev’s consent.”

“European discussions about sending troops obscures the fact that several NATO countries already have boots on the ground.”

“A brief analysis today on Macron’s historic appeal disguised as a casual TV interview:”

The Duran on Macron and NATO:

The Duran with former Lt. Colonel Daniel Davis:

Judge Napolitano and Aaron Mate:

Judge Napolitano with Columbia Professor Jeffrey Sachs:

Judge Napolitano with University of Chicago Professor John Mearsheimer:

Judge Napolitano with former CIA Analysts Ray McGovern and Larry Johnson:

Former Lt. Colonel Daniel Davis on the neocons:

Former Lt. Colonel Daniel Davis on Russia:

Former Lt. Colonel Daniel Davis on Russia:

Former Lt. Colonel Daniel Davis with former Colonel Douglas MacGregor on Macron’s big mouth and Russia:

Former CIA Analyst Ray McGovern on Ukraine on Odysee:

Former CIA Analyst Ray McGovern on Ukraine and the possibility of wider war:

Garland Nixon with former UN Weapons Inspector and USMC Captain Scott Ritter:

Danny Haiphong with Andrei Martynov on Russia / Ukraine:


Danny Haiphong with former UN Weapons Inspector and USMC Captain Scott Ritter on Ukraine:

“For my American readers you must have been living in a cave hidden away in the mountains if you have not heard politicians yammering on about Russian and Chinese interference in our Presidential election. Almost everyone else is familiar with this red herring. We now know that the whole “Russia helped Trump to win in 2016” was a bogus creation courtesy of the Hillary Clinton campaign. Of course she had some help from the CIA, the FBI and the legacy media in spreading that nonsense and persuading a size-able chunk of the American electorate that it was true.

My foreign readers are probably scratching their heads and asking the question, “Are Americans really this clueless?” The short answer is, YES! It is irony in its purest form, i.e., Americans getting outraged at the hint of foreign interference in our elections. Why irony? Since the end of World War II the United States, thanks to the CIA, has engaged routinely in election interference in other countries. This interference includes facilitating and/or organizing coups. In other words, regime change.”

“ For clear-eyed observers watching helplessly from afar, it is heartbreaking. We cannot even stop the Biden administration from sending bombs, bullets, and spare parts to Israel — without which this could not go on.

Those are human beings in Gaza, for heaven’s sake! Stop the carnage!

Israel’s supporters may think that uttering the word Hamas provides all the justification required. That can’t be. Common-sense moral intuition possessed by virtually everyone says otherwise. Yes, Hamas committed horrible acts on Oct. 7. So this is the response? Mass death, injury, and destruction? Don’t say, “What else could Israel do?” Being unable to think of something else to do is not a license to kill tens of thousands of infants, children, the infirm, the elderly, and the rest. That makes no sense.”

A few more Nazi worshippers in Israel here. Those who act like Nazis should be compared to Nazis and a big middle finger to anyone who doesn’t like that. If you don’t want to be compared to Nazis, then don’t act like the Nazis. To compare people’s actions to Nazis is unvarnished, raw, uncomfortable truth, it is not hate.

“Israeli National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir has commended a border guard who killed a young Palestinian boy playing in occupied East Jerusalem, describing the 12-year-old child as a “terrorist.””

Conversely, here are some people protesting in a way that genuinely reflects Jewish values of social justice, peace with justice and tikkun olam. I salute you all.
Yasher Koah!!!

“We refuse to be bystanders as the Israeli government wages a genocidal campaign in our name,” one rabbi said.

“Tel Aviv’s exceptional status in American weapons policy shields it from scrutiny over alleged human rights abuses.”

“The United Nations, its personnel, premises, and assets must be protected at all times,” stressed the head of UNRWA — which says that 400 Palestinian aid-seekers have been killed since last month’s Flour Massacre.”

“A look through the eyes of a child in Gaza. This short film takes the viewer through an agonising, yet hopeful journey of what it means to be a child under Israeli fire in Gaza today. Part one of the Dear Child initiative, longer version coming soon.”

Now in South Dakota, comparing Israeli actions to the Nazis is anti-Semitism thus cheapening the true ugliness of genuine anti-Semitism. The other problem is that sometimes the Israelis do act like the Nazis as we see here:
So such comparisons are valid and truthful.

“Israeli helicopters fired on crowd of thousands waiting to receive aid, in an attack that has been denounced by the Palestinian foreign ministry and the government media office”

“Our governments did nothing to hold Israel accountable last time it attacked desperate hungry people seeking aid in Gaza,” said one aid campaigner. “So why wouldn’t it do the exact same thing again?”

Growing psuedo Fascist impulses at Hebrew University in Israel:
Banning a professor who questioned Zionism and called the situation in Gaza a “genocide.” Universities, of all places are supposed to be bastions of free thought and free expression where any and all ideas are expresssed freely, seriously considered and explored. Banning a professor for their radical ideas is not so different from a fascist-style book burning.
Shame, shame, shame, shame on Hebrew University!!!
Words and expressing oneself freely does not ever put other people at risk.
Words are non-violent, even hateful words that call for violence are non-violent. Only violence is violent and can cause others not to feel safe but words are non-violent. Words by themselves may cause people to feel uncomfortable but that is different from feeling unsafe — — -no one has a right to not feel uncomfortable. If you don’t like what is being said, the onus of responsibility is on you to go somewhere else. Individual responsibility.

Anti-Zionism is not anti-Semitism. To that end, I am now preparing to read a new book which was recommended to me an online journal to which I subscribe named, Jewish Currents:

Our Palestine Question: Israel and American Jewish Dissent, 1948–1978,

“This book shows that American Jewish concern for Palestinian rights and critique of Zionism have a long history that has been thoroughly suppressed.”

“For too long, the Middle East has been mired in conflict not because the differences fueling it are unresolvable, but because of failures of vision and political leadership.”

“Over five months into its genocidal onslaught, more Palestinian children have been killed by the Israeli military than in the last four years of armed conflict around the world. As Ramadan begins, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu is pressing forward with plans for a ground invasion of Rafah, threatening to permanently displace 1.5 million Palestinians forced to take shelter there.

That’s why we haven’t slowed down for even a minute. Across the country, from Chicago to Brattleboro, Los Angeles to NYC, we’re on the streets demanding a permanent ceasefire in Gaza and an end to all U.S. military funding for the Israeli government.”

If Not Now Events and volunteer opportunities near you:


“How many other military suicides are wrapped in the moral anguish of what they may have participated in, or what they were being told to do on behalf of the government? It’s hard to know. What is known is that human beings go to war and return injured, even if those injuries can’t be immediately detected. Bushnell he did not need to go to war to experience the moral injury that his commitment to the military had burdened him with.”

“If organizations like PEN America cling to the illusion of political neutrality in the face of a clear effort to destroy Palestinian lives and culture, one can only wonder whether there will be any writers left in Gaza to tell the story.”

“Calling Israel an independent nation is like calling a fetus in the womb an independent person. It’s like looking at a man in a hospital bed whose body is full of tubes and medical devices who needs to be manually repositioned every two hours to prevent him from getting pressure sores, and calling him independent.

Israel is as dependent as a nation can possibly be. It literally cannot exist without the direct military backing of the most powerful empire of all time, namely the United States and its globe-spanning network of allies and assets. “

Remember in November how the Democratic Party refused to abide by the will of the people to undemocratically jam through Congress their pet pork project for Ukraine and Israel. Just vote against the Democrats in November. Teach them a lesson they’ll not soon forget.

“The top Democrat on the House Rules Committee is attempting to employ a rarely used rule to force a vote on a massive military spending bill that includes $61 billion for Ukraine and $14 billion for Israel. A significant number of Americans oppose sending billions to Israel or Ukraine.”

Action not words — — don’t be a naive fool by believing what the politicians tell you — — only judge them by what they do. Remember, Schumer is the same one who wanted the FBI to monitor protestors — — freaking fascist that he is.

“What we want to see is actual change in policy,” stressed Dearborn, Michigan Mayor Abdullah Hammoud.”

“It is understandable that many may feel helpless, especially when one attempts to fathom the enormity of the crime underway in Gaza. Israel might have not used weapons of mass destruction in the Strip, but it has certainly applied all of its western-supplied weapons to inflict mass destruction, nonetheless.”

“Tonight’s numbers show that President Biden’s current policies towards Gaza and Palestine are not in line with his voting base.”

“It’s time for President Biden to make one of two things clear: Are you Bibi Netanyahu’s useful idiot or are you president of the alleged “strongest nation on earth”?”

“The US government is making elaborate plans to ameliorate a humanitarian catastrophe that would not exist without its own bombs.”

“U.S. weapons, security assistance, and blanket political support have contributed to an unparalleled humanitarian crisis and possible war crimes in Gaza,” the NGOs wrote.”

“The airdrops are not designed to save lives, but to salvage the consciences of those who could — and should — be doing so much more."

“There is nothing humanitarian about Israel’s proposal to push civilians into ‘humanitarian islands’ in Gaza.”

“Experts say a dearth of details and seeming lack of concern over security is raising hackles about sea aid project.”

“Speaking from his own experience as an imprisoned whistleblower, Kiriakou reflects on the grim medical outlook for the WikiLeaks publisher if he gets extradited.”

We are provoking China. We are instigating conflict in China. We are the aggressors, the Chinese are playing defense.

“US Uses Thai Proxies to Escalate Crisis in Myanmar, Creating Arc of Chaos on China’s Borders” and a collection of other videos relating to U.S. policy in Myanmar too.

“A U.S. Air Force CV-22 Osprey crashed off the island of Yakushima in Kagoshima Prefecture, southwestern Japan, on November 29, 2023. The following series of events shows the status of the U.S. military as an occupation force.”

“A bill in the Maryland state legislature that would block the deployment of the state’s national guard to overseas conflicts unless Congress has declared war is being blocked by a committee chairwoman preventing a vote. One guardsman is arguing that the bill — Defend the Gaurd — needs to move forward urgently as the Maryland Guard is set to deploy to the Middle East.”

“There is no daylight between presidential candidates Joe Biden and Donald Trump on the permanent war economy. Both tout the weapons industry as a source of jobs, jobs, jobs for Americans, never mentioning that the billions of government dollars flushed through the military-industrial complex could go for other things. Think universal health care, free higher education or maybe just the green economy — if money spent on what Politico called Bombenomics went to producing solar panels and wind turbines, we’d have jobs AND a planet not heating up at warp speed. Sadly, our two presidential contenders never met a weapon system they didn’t like. And as recent history repeats — if you spend all your cash building tanks, guns and bombs, they’re gonna get used.”

“Congress must put an end to this form of corporate welfare,” the senator said, arguing that one new way to do that involves reviving an old policy.”

“U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders has a novel way to stop military-industrial complex profiteers from “bilking the American people” — and it’s actually over 80 years old.

In an article published Tuesday in The Atlantic, Sanders (I-Vt.) called for a revived Truman Committee — a World War II-era bipartisan congressional panel “designed to rein in defense contractors, closely oversee military contracts, and take back excessive payments."

If this bill passes and the Supreme Court doesn’t overturn this flagrant violation of the First Amendment, then you can no longer claim to live in a free country and then talking about overthrowing the government becomes legitimate conversation.

“Don’t ban TikTok,” said Fight for the Future. “Pass a goddamn privacy law.”

“U.S. progressives on Wednesday decried what they called a xenophobic censorship bill passed by House lawmakers that would ban TikTok if its Chinese parent company doesn’t sell its stake in the popular social media app, with critics arguing that Congress should instead pass a comprehensive digital privacy law.”

“Bipartisan House Vote Pushes Deep State TikTok Ban — Who Really Benefits? w/ Michael Tracey | SYSTEM UPDATE #242”

“FLASHBACK: No, TikTok Is *Not* a Chinese Spy App”

“This illegal ban, an attack on free speech & the right to know, is yet another escalation to ensure information/narrative dominance in coming war & genocide.”

Kudos to Donald Trump for opposing the TikTok even if for the wrong reasons:

“Biden & Trump Split on New TikTok Ban. PLUS: Briahna Joy Gray on Israel-Gaza, Dems 2024, and More | SYSTEM UPDATE #241”

This is a direct attack and frontal assault on the First Amendment and I groups like the ACLU and Fire rise to challenge it in the judicial system. This is Congress acting to abridge your right to Free Speech and all it shows you is how endless war is ruining your liberties. Our military and our policy of endless war does not protect us or defend our liberty, it only helps destroy our national security and our liberty and freedom too.

“Critics argue the legislation, which passed the lower chamber overwhelmingly, would give the President unprecedented power to censor online speech”

“At the time, I wrote an article laying out how the RESTRICT Act’s “expansive and unspecific” language made the bill a threat to the property rights of American citizens. While the language of Representative Gallagher’s bill is more precise, it still gives the government room to expand far beyond TikTok and its parent company ByteDance. So many of the threats to Americans’ rights that I detailed last year remain.”

“The bill’s author said the platform’s videos about the Israeli war sparked renewed interest in passing the legislation.”

“Did they tell you the part about giving the president sweeping new powers?”

Amendment I
“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

The TikTok ban by Congress directly violates the First Amendment so I sincerely hope civil liberties groups band together to challenge this unconstitutional legislation in our judicial system. Congress is violating the U.S. Constitution.

Despite all the ridiculous, unsubstantiated accusation made about how other nations are “authoritarian,” it is actually our government that is becoming increasingly authoritarian. Yet again, our government projects onto others what it does itself.

“The WikiLeaks publisher may soon be on his way to the U.S. to face trial for revealing war crimes, Matt Kennard reports. What he would face there is terrifying beyond words.”


Frederick Douglass: “I would unite with anybody to do right and with nobody to do wrong.”
“In the past, in the interest of building a broad-based movement united for peace and non-interventionism, I have allied with everyone and anyone who also expressed a genuine interest in peacemaking and non-interventionism. This includes past antiwar alliances with everyone from pinkos to proud boys and anyone in between — — both groups I have allied with in the past — -not because I agreed with their ideologies because I don’t agree with either of them — -I do not approve of racism or Marxism, but I united with each solely in the interest of unity for peace and non-interventionism as a national policy. Ideology is not the point, unity is the point. Anyone who doesn’t like that I choose unity over ideology can kiss my mother-loving, big, chubby gay-bear, fat ass. Anyone can talk the talk about unity, but the real principled test is: can you walk the walk? My boots were made for walking, girl !!! <finger-snap with attitude>

Unite, Left and Right against the wars!!!
Wage Peace and Persevere!!!”

-Eric E. Johansson, Veterans for Peace, California

(also, please understand that although I have united with extremist-idealist factions in the past in the interest of unity against war, I am much more of a middle-of-the-road-realist as I think the economic class system represents the civilizational natural order for our species, although the gap between rich and poor should probably be narrowed through aggressive taxation upon corporations and individual persons too. Also, I do not have one racist or hateful bone in my body as my Asian husband, who is of half-Filipino and half-Chinese descent can attest. I don’t hate immigrants; I married one. He, like my Swedish grandfather, emigrated to the United States legally through the legal immigration channels that every person seeking to emigrate to this country should pursue. All those who simply violate the law by jumping the border, thus opting for not following the legal channels to obtain entry into the U.S., should be promptly arrested and deported, and treated more harshly with every repeat offense. Why should the U.S. honor the wishes of those who desire to emigrate if their very first act of entering the country is to first break the law by circumventing the legal guidelines for officially emigrating? One standard for all. Rule of Law. That is not racist, it is respectful of the Rule of Law. Prior to meeting my husband, I was most definitely an equal-opportunity sex lover who gleefully had fabulous sex with members of every race, color and creed — — hundreds of them, mostly men but not exclusively. My husband and I love to watch RuPaul’s Drag Race TV show too. I also play on a fabulous softball team as the pitcher in the very diverse, accepting and welcoming San Francisco Gay Softball League. I share all of this only to illustrate that who I am willing to unite in common cause with, does not in any way represent who I am as a person. Widespread, mass unity against perpetual war, against Empire and against growing national security state oppression is essential to preserve our commonly shared liberty and peace. We are all in this together so let’s get past the immature, ideological bullshit, come together and unite in common cause for our shared future together.)

Unite, Left and Right against the wars!!!

Unite, from pinkos to proud boys and everyone in between against the wars and against the Empire!! If peace is your priority, this should be no problem for you but if ideology is your priority, then the kind of unity I propose could be a problem for you. Drop the ideological bullshit and UNITE!!!

Wage Peace and Persevere!!!



“How could a weak, toothless central government that possessed no military largesse wage war or command a global Empire? It couldn’t, could it? Doesn’t having a smaller, more limited government also get us to a non-Imperialist, non-military interventionist place? Can people unite around non-interventionism alone? Just imagine for a moment the vast people power of a mass movement that could be harnessed by achieving a Left-Right loose alliance against war and Empire. Oh, the immense power it would wield.”
~Eric E. Johansson

(Is it arrogant to put my name next to some great people? Not really, they were just human beings and so am I, but please understand that I am actually much more middle-of-the-road because I find both sides (the more public services argument or the limited government argument) to both be legitimate arguments worthy of consideration and that is why I ask the question above because I think it is a question that more Progressives should ask. But as for myself, my inner stars shine brightly Progressive yet I still bear strong Libertarian stripes. This rather nationalist, flag-oriented reference may sound silly to some but it perfectly encapsulates how I see myself as a principled patriot realist doing my duty to my country and to our world.

Unite, Left and Right against the wars!!!
Wage Peace and Persevere!!!
“Overgrown military establishments are under any form of government inauspicious to liberty, and are to be regarded as particularly hostile to republican liberty.”
~George Washington
“Of all the evils to public liberty, war is perhaps the most to be dreaded, because it comprises and develops every other. War is the patent of armies; from these proceed debts and taxes. And armies, and debts, and taxes, are the known instruments for bringing the many under the dominion of the few. In war, too, the discretionary power of the executive is extended; its influence in dealing out offices, honors, and emoluments is multiplied; and all the means of seducing the minds are added to those of subduing the force of the people! No nation could preserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare.”
~James Madison

“It is the responsibility of intellectuals to speak the truth and expose lies.”
— Noam Chomsky
Daily news podcasts to help you stay informed:

Alexander Mercouris
The Duran on YouTube with Alexander Christoforou and Alexander Mercouris:
Brian Berletic at The New Atlas on Youtube:

Scott Ritter on Substack:


Danny Haiphong:

Colonel Douglass MacGregor on Youtube:
(He has many meaningful, insightful, analytical things to say based on a deep understanding of military matters from his many years of experience in the military — — -but just prepare to dismiss a few of his other dog-whistle comments that he offers which he utters to appeal to a particular Conservative base — — just as the Liberals do to rally their base too — — -so just roll your eyeballs and ignore those few silly comments — — — because most of his analysis and insights and experiences are rich in detail, in fact-based analysis and said bluntly and directly.
Very refreshing indeed!! Bravo, Colonel !!!

“Our Country Our Choice is more than just a people’s movement; it’s a media platform as well. My vision was straightforward: identify over 10 million like-minded Americans and create the most extensive group of American activists ever assembled. Our mission is to inform every American about the importance of choosing decision-makers who will put an end to the intentional sabotage of our beloved nation and start serving us, the American people.”

Andy Boreham

“China is a complicated place, and there is definitely a lot of content out there that I don’t think accurately or fairly represents this huge country of 1.4 billion.

Dong Sheng news on China:

Garland Nixon:

Seymour Hersh on Substack

Chris Hedges on Substack:

Niko House on Rokfin

Caitlin Johnstone on Substack:

Aaron Mate on Substack:

David Sacks:

Lee Fang on Substack:

Patrick Lawrence on Substack

Jeffrey Sachs:

Former Army Colonel Daniel Davis:

Breaking points with Krystal Ball and Saagar Enjeti

“But she goes not abroad, in search of monsters to destroy.
She is the well-wisher to the freedom and independence of all”
~John Quincy Adams

Lev Golinkin on YouTube:

Matt Tabibi on Substack (Racket News):

Big Serge on Substack:

Simplicius on Substack:

Larry Johnson, former CIA Analyst at Sonar21:

Ray McGovern, former CIA Analyst:

Mark Sleboda:

Richard Medhurst on YouTube:

Nick Cruse of the Revolutionary Blackout Network:

George Galloway on YouTube:

Mikael Valtersson
~Former officer Swedish Armed Forces/Air Defence, former defence politician and chief of staff Sweden Democrats. Current political and military analyst.

Alex Reporterfy

Although I typically shy away and generally distrust most, if not all, televised corporate media, I must admit that recently on foreign policy issues, Tucker Carlson of Fox has been tickling my fancy. Now that Fox has fired him, I encourage everyone to stop watching Fox altogether. But Tucker’s past range of guests included figures from the anti-Establishment Left and Right and many voices in between giving access and airtime to a wider audience which only helps spread our message of peace and justice to a broader audience more quickly so kudos to Tucker for that. It is good to see some of our anti-Establisment views find a venue in the public space even one decidedly more to the Right.

You can now find Tucker Carlson on Twitter, see link below. — — Great job Tucker, keep socking it to them. I hope you and your attorneys keep fighting like hell against the Establishment. I hope your attorneys fight to allow you to speak freely until at least the year 2025 and hopefully much longer than that too.

On Tucker’s eventual return, so kudos to him and to Elon Musk backing him:

Glenn Greenwald on Rumble: (Listening to Glenn Greenwald is quite an enthralling experience. I can’t figure out what moves faster, his brain or his mouth as he delivers rich, detailed analysis replete with razor-sharp logic on topics of substance and depth, delivered with perfect spoken diction, colorful language and mesmerizing eloquence. I am left flabbergasted in sheer delight every time I listen to him speak. Utterly dazzling!!! And he is a fellow sister with a heritage in the tribe too which I also find endearing.

“The remedy for speech that is false is speech that is true. This is the ordinary course in a free society. The response to the unreasoned is the rational; to the uninformed, the enlightened; to the straight-out lie, the simple truth … If there be time to expose through discussion the falsehood and fallacies, to avert the evil by the processes of education, the remedy to be applied is more speech, not enforced silence. The theory of our Constitution is that the best test of truth is the power of the thought to get itself accepted in the competition of the market . . . The First Amendment itself ensures the right to respond to speech we do not like, and for good reason. Freedom of speech and thought flows not from the beneficence of the state but from the inalienable rights of the person … Society has the right and civic duty to engage in open, dynamic, rational discourse.”

– United States v. Alvarez, 567 U.S. 709, 724 (2012).



Eric E Johansson

Ex-US Army Paratrooper and Infantryman, Veterans for Peace, Chapter 162, California. I consider myself a principled patriot. Wage Peace and Perservere!!!!!